Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ann Richards died today

She was 73. I cannot believe it. I was a staffer on her re-election campaign in Texas. Governor Richards was smart, funny, tough, and a little intimidating. She had an incredible life.


Kathy said...

Although I didn't know much about her, I was saddened to hear about it.

You have lived such an exciting life, done so many interesting things! Enjoy your visit with your family!

avery said...

I can't believe it. I grew up in Texas and lived a good 7 years in Austin where Ann Richards had a big impact on local and state politics. She was one cool chick and people really looked up to her. Some even called her "radical". so sad to hear the news...she will be remembered fondly.

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

I know. I still don't believe it. The memorial is on Monday.

Thanks Kali!